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Rishi Sunak’s National Service: Insights and Discussion  

Author: Chloe Schuber, Operations Assistant : Strengthening Democracy Desk 26th of May. Rishi Sunak proposes reintroducing mandatory national service for 18-year-olds where the ruling Conservative Party is reelected. This announcement was recent, politically, as well as electorally strategic, given contrasting statements from the party days before. This strategic move by Sunak has stirred controversy and …

Rishi Sunak’s National Service: Insights and Discussion   Read More »

Navigating the Minefield: Misinformation and disinformation in Indian elections

Author: Shruti Kapil, Associate Security & Mutual dependence Summary: the 2024 General Elections in India have been labeled the ‘AI elections’. There is growing evidence of both opportunities for political parties and threats to the information ecosystem, with a careful balance required between government regulations, innovation and fostering individual responsibility through education. The 2024 general …

Navigating the Minefield: Misinformation and disinformation in Indian elections Read More »

Agents of the largest democracy: the role, structure, and controversies around the Election Commission of India

With India’s elections ongoing, questions have been raised about the independence of the Election Commission of India, the body responsible for administering them. Concerns about the Commission’s independence are not new, though there are small signs of progress. This year, the heat of summer in India is accompanied by the heat of its Lok Sabha …

Agents of the largest democracy: the role, structure, and controversies around the Election Commission of India Read More »

india elections

Getting almost a billion voters to the polls: a look inside the 2024 Indian Elections

With national elections having begun in India, this article shines a light on the complexities of organising an election for almost one billion voters, including the voting phases, access to poll booths and whether India’s electronic voting systems ensure a free and fair contest. It is co-written by a constitutional law academic from the UK …

Getting almost a billion voters to the polls: a look inside the 2024 Indian Elections Read More »

The International Centre for Sustainability Launches This Month

The International Centre for Sustainability launches this month, a new global hub dedicated to fostering a deeper alliance between the UK, the West and India. Spread over two floors in the heart of the City, the Centre is an independent research and advisory organisation rooted in nine key pillars. The first of its kind, the …

The International Centre for Sustainability Launches This Month Read More »

Britain needs Stronger Intelligence Cooperation with India ICFS

Britain needs Stronger Intelligence Cooperation with India

Intelligence cooperation between the UK and India has a long history and remains a key component of the bilateral relationship. Like most intelligence relationships, there have been moments of highs and lows. However, moving ahead, the quality of this relationship can be strengthened by infusing a sense of equality into a relationship that has hitherto …

Britain needs Stronger Intelligence Cooperation with India Read More »

Ram Mandir

The Ram Mandir temple at Ayodhya: Forging harmony or repeating history?

Whilst all attention turns to unrest in the Middle East, the opening of what is considered to be the equivalent of Mecca for Hindus is passing with little opposition from extreme factions in the UK. A site that has been marred with communal unrest, with thousands of lives lost, has often seen activity in Ayodhya …

The Ram Mandir temple at Ayodhya: Forging harmony or repeating history? Read More »

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