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Israel economy war economy

India, Israel and the economic consequences of terror

If post-terror history has anything to teach us, it’s that Israel is set to see a sharp economic downturn. With over 300,000 reservists being drafted for military duty, Israel’s skilled workforce has been squeezed by 15%. India has remained a steadfast ally to Israel and proves that counter-terrorism can be coupled with economic growth. If …

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City of London, financial capital of the world

Why we shouldn’t forget what made us rich.

Milton Freedman once wrote “the political system is not inclined to bring about policies that would reduce the scope of government. Politicians win elections by promising benefits, not by imposing burdens.” What Freedman was suggesting was a simple truth, namely that the democratic tendency is always for the state to keep growing by venturing into …

Why we shouldn’t forget what made us rich. Read More »

Free Palestine Protest

Hamas: righteous resistance or genocidal terrorists?

Those of us who want to see a free Palestine, eventually controlling its own borders, are left distraught by the antisemitism ripping through our British cities. The potential to irrevocably damage support for a two-state solution for Palestine is there. Meanwhile, Hamas’s  genocidal attack on 7 October has destroyed whatever claim to be a “resistance …

Hamas: righteous resistance or genocidal terrorists? Read More »

Palestine, Gaza, Uk India relations

Appeasing Hamas: why we need muscular liberalism

“Footage of the pro-Palestine protests indicates that these protests are not just for Palestine but are acting as spaces within which forms of Islamist fascism breathe” Head of our UK-India Desk, Charlotte Littlewood provides comment to The Article addressing the 324% rise in Antisemitism in the UK, how we got here and how we can move …

Appeasing Hamas: why we need muscular liberalism Read More »

The Secretariat Building or Central Secretariat houses the important ministries of the Government of India.

Mutual respect and understanding needed in UK-India relations

What prompts the negative sentiment towards India across British society, spanning from parliamentarians to media outlets? Could this perhaps be attributed to a lingering colonial legacy, an inability to view India as a partner rather than a former subject? In this opinion piece, written by ICfS Head of UK-India relation, Charlotte Littlewood, she discussed Britain’s …

Mutual respect and understanding needed in UK-India relations Read More »

Gazing at India

It has the highest mountain range in the world to its north — the Himalayas; to its west, the Thar desert, one of the hottest places on Earth, which occupies almost five percent of the landmass. Thick jungles and dense rainforest to its east covering almost twenty-one percent of its landmass and a seven-thousand kilometre …

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